My passive radar code is not a simple gnuradio companion script. But it is a collection of C++, python octave and bash sourcecode and scripts. Which , when used together in the right way., generates passive radar images. There is no documentation at all yet. I found out that my private (nldudok1) passive radar branch is indeed not available anymore on the gnuradio server. The even older gr-radar directory as part of a very old gnuradio release is still available: See info at: For the passive radar presentation at HAMRADIO 2015 I was a bit stressed for time. So I did not make a nice userfriendly package of it all. Instead I collected all the code and scripts I needed and added a few extra manual scripts to connect everything together. First I precaptured the RF signals to file. Most of the capturing I did with a dual channel capture script I made with gnuradio companion: capture_dual_chan_B210.grc (complex float output) And with capture_dual_chan_B210_cshort.grc (short complex int output) You can find these in pub_files at: I had a home made right-hand circular polarised GPS active antenna connected to one channel of a B210 and a home-made left-hand circular polarized GPS antenna connected to the second channel of the B210. I used these capture files together with my code to regenerate the GPS signal With my code I regenerated the noisefree GPS signals from several received GPS satelites. (This regenerate code is not released yet) I used this regenerated noisefree signal together with the received reflections (of the second channel) to do crosscorrelations with different doppler shifts. For the crosscorreleations I used the gr-passive-radar-standalone framework. (Note that you need to have octave installed) I made a tarball of the gr-passive-radar-standalone source as I used it for the HAMRADIO 2015 presentation. This does not include the capture files (which are several gigabytes large) I also dumped a version with capture files. This includes the regenerated GPS signals. SInce this file is very large, I will probably not keep this file up very long. I configured and build in the gr-passive-radar-standalone/build_rojo directory I configured and built gr-passive-radar standalone using gnuradio release gnuradio 3.6 Then I manually copied the scripts I needed into gr-passive-radar-standalone/build_rojo/src/lib and gr-passive-radar-standalone/build_rojo/src/lib/test1_rojo